Building Permit
Residential: buildings designed for people to dwell (i.e. houses, apartments, condos, Secondary Dwelling, retirement homes, etc).
Industrial: buildings designed for manufacturing and/or storage (i.e. factories, warehouses, storage, etc).
Commercial: buildings used for business, personal services, and/or mercantile purposes (i.e. retail stores, offices, etc).
Institutional: buildings such as hospitals, care homes, nursing homes, schools, laboratories, and civic buildings.
Designated Structures: structures such as Retaining Walls, Signs, Solar Panels, Pedestrian Bridges, Crane Runways, Exterior Storage Tanks, Support for Wind Turbines, Dish Antennas, Solid Nutrient Storage Facilities.
Demolition: a demolition permit applies when a structure is being completely removed (if any part of the structure will remain, an alteration permit is required.) To apply for a demolition permit, choose 'Demolition' as your primary application purpose.